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Nicholls Asks Province: Why Do 21 Dogs Seized in Tilbury Not Deserve a Second Chance?

March 10, 2016

Queen’s Park – Chatham-Kent-Essex MPP Rick Nicholls asked the Ontario government today why 21 dogs may be sentenced to death while other dogs rescued from fighting rings have been rehabilitated in other jurisdictions.

“The dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s high-profile 2007 fighting ring have proven to the world that fighting dogs can be successfully rehabilitated,” Nicholls stated.

“Why does the province think these dogs are different?” Nicholls asked in Question Period. “Why don’t they deserve a second chance?”

The animal sanctuary Dog Tales has offered to help, begging the Minister to grant a special designation so they can take these dogs in.

“They’ve taken in dogs the province have deemed unadoptable before, and they’re willing to do it again,” Nicholls said. “They have even offered a forever home for any dogs that cannot be rehabilitated. No stone should be left unturned.”

“Will the Minister take every possible step to save these dogs lives and grant such a designation?” Nicholls asked.

The Minister did not state whether or not he would be willing to grant a special designation, saying that the OSPCA is independent of the government and that the matter will proceed before the courts.